Game Changers: The Power and Influence of Young Consumers in the New World

In 2014, there were 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24. This number is the highest in human history, and the number of these young people is increasing day by day.
Targeting young people is the most exciting task for marketers. Marketing to them always encourages the production of quality content. The support they provide for the promotion of products is invaluable. Attracting their attention is more appealing than attracting the attention of older people. Young people are so dynamic that engaging with them is never unproductive. There should always be a willingness to invest in these young people. First of all, young people are early adopters. They are not afraid to try. Unlike older customer groups, they try new products and services that are seen as risky. When Apple first introduced the iPod to the market in 2001, it established its place in the mainstream market by using the quick early adopter feature of young people. Likewise, Netflix in 2010 laid the foundations of its unshakable position today with the locomotive of technology enthusiasts who are early adopters. Let's continue with the examples. The young people we call the "Now Generation" act very agilely when it comes to trends. This behavior plays a big role in the rapid growth of brands. This speed is so dynamic that often marketing experts cannot keep up with this change and speed. This speed helps marketers to notice trends immediately and to burst their products or services with innovations in this direction. It is very difficult for brands that cannot adapt to this change to position themselves in the World of Now. Justin Bieber's rise was thanks to young consumers sharing it with their friends of the same age on Youtube and consuming it quickly. We spend almost an average of 3-4 hours a day on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and we see these trend-setting young people at the starting point of these platforms. These platforms grew with their leadership. Similarly, data stream-based music services like Spotify, Apple Music were brought to the mainstream market by young users.
Young people are game-changers.
Even though young people are associated with selfish behavior and irresponsibility, the latest trends show that they mature early.
In summary, it is important for brands and marketing experts to understand that young people in the new world are early adopters, trend setters, game changers.
If brands want to stay in the minds of their mainstream customers, the first step is to convince young people.